Thursday, October 16, 2008

hola. =]

Hey. Its Sadee. No Kaitlyn today. =[
She was "sick." Just kidding!
So im gonna tell you about school.
Mr. C was gone today. Again.
We had like... 3 subs today. And of course, no Kaitlyn. So I was actually quiet.
But together, we get a lot of work done together. More than we get done seperated. That hasnt come clear to Mr. C yet. But it has to the other teachers. :]

ITS OCTOBER! National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
And Halloween.
For the 1st day of October, Kaitlyn and I dressed up in as much pink as we could find. It was crazy. We both make sure to wear pink everyday this month. Either its a ring, socks, a bracelet, anything!
Now, to Halloween. Boo!! =]
Kaitlyn, Jeana, Caitlyn, Adri and I are all going to be..wait for it......... DEAD PROM QUEENS!!!!!!
Most of us already have our dresses. Not ALL of us though. [Kaitlyn]
Then we still have to...well to make a long story short, make ourselves look, you know, dead.

Now, for some RaNdOmNeSs.
-Bob hasnt seen Me, Kaitlyn or Jeana in a whole MONTH!! Okay, okay stop gasping. :)
So I was hoping to go there on Halloween. Absolutely AMAZING idea, I know.

Now I think this is getting a little too long. Nawh. Its perfect. Well I ran out of things to talk about. So im gonna go.

Talk to you all soon,


Kaitlyn n' Sadee said...

jkjk lovee you.
NOW, we need to post something TOGETHER.
Kaitlyn :]

Unknown said...

Hey Sadee,
A whole month??? Poor Bob.
I can't wait to see the prom queens.